Monday, January 18, 2016

Choosing the Best Internet Service Provider

When choosing an Internet Service Provider (ISP), you may want to consider affordability and reliability of the service. Another is what are the things you would be doing with the service? Are you more of downloading torrent files, watching movies and listening to music online, or just simply browsing and attending to your social networks? With this in mind, you would know which internet speed you would be subscribing to. You also have to take into consideration other inclusions if you opt for a bundled plan - if this is worth your buck. Now, some people tend to forget the most important thing when choosing for an ISP which is the after-sales, it is very important to know how the ISP provides customer service.

You may have the cheapest and fastest internet but when problem comes, you would encounter rude service representatives, long wait times, putting you on hold which basically wastes a lot of your precious time, and transferring you from one department to another until you get cut-off the line. You may also encounter representatives who promises you the whole world just to get you off the phone and next thing you know is that the problem has not been taken cared of. Even more, the billing team takes time to process refunds for days of no service.

Everybody wants a hassle-free internet service as there are other more important things to do than talking to customer service like spending time with the family. So, when choosing an ISP, choose the one that has a great reputation when it comes to customer service even though their services cost a bit higher than other providers.

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